Sunday, August 28, 2011

Domestic Violence Slide Show.


Domestic Violence is a never-ending battle fought by most Americans. Adults, who abuse, raise children who repeat the same action believing it to an acceptable behavior. Domestic Violence has a very long past, but the hopes are for it to do not have a future. Domestic Violence affects society; more bystanders are watching out and reaching out to help in such situations. Elements of persuasion are needed to stop this abuse in society. Implication in domestic violence is a repeat of from one generation to the next. Intervention and prevention can stop this cycle.


Campaigns are used for the next president, the next mayor, and even to take a stand against taxes. Campaigns can help prevent domestic violence. A campaign can make more people aware of the abuse, and how to report when abuse is seen and how to reach out and help the abused individual. Campaigns can make more people aware of the situation, fighting the belief that domestic abuse is normal or trivial (Cismaru, Jensen, & Lavack, 2010). To fully fight the effects of domestic violence, advice for victims, bystanders, and professionals is needed. This will help combat the abuse. To end to the abuse it needs to stop before it starts.


The cycle needs to be stopped before it can start. Making sure children are not exposed to violence will prevent the child from becoming an abuser. Violence is seen everywhere; this can be a difficult task at times but not an impossible one. Children are the key to making sure the next generation does repeat the same mistakes as the previous one. Although some believe catharsis is a way to cleanse, it can cause a child to be abusive (Myers, 2010). Social learning will help prevent, as children what they see. People need to make sure the children are not victims suffering (Damant et al., 2010).


Cismaru, M., Jensen, G., & Lavack, A. M. (2010). IF THE NOISE COMING FROM NEXT DOOR WERE LOUD MUSIC, YOU'D DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Journal of Advertising, 39(4), 69-82. doi:10.2753/JOA0091-3367390405

Damant, D., Lapierre, S., Lebosse, C., Thibault, S., Lessard, G., Hamelin-Brabant, L., & ... Fortin, A. (2010). Women's abuse of their children in the context on domestic violence: reflection from women's accounts. Child & Family Social Work, 15(1), 12-21. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2009.00632.x

Myers, D. G. (2010). Social psychology (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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